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« April Simul-Sew Poll Part II: Choose your tote bag! | Main | Panties tutorial (!) from I Like to Make Stuff »

March 26, 2008


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Wendi Gratz

Congratulations! Isn't it fun doing your own designs?

Wendi Gratz

Congratulations! Isn't it fun doing your own designs?


I like it!


Looks great! I know what you mean about small stitches, they are terrible to rip out. :-)


It looks great, Karen! As I am sure you have noticed from all my flickr posts, my immediate reaction to EVERY project is disappointment and frustration. I tend to get happier with the final product as time goes on, and I hope that happens to you, too. It's a great design, and I love the fabrics. And Bryant Park is an excellent backdrop.


oooh - you did a great job! It's so much fun designing your own things, I love to do it. It takes longer, but makes for excellent conversation pieces! Congrats! Love the shots in Bryant Park - I miss that park (I used to work near there too!). Can't wait to see your next one (the 2nd, 3rd, 4th always seem to go faster...).

Sarah Bray

LOVE all of your bag pics. I can just imagine you setting it up for a pose in all of those places. :)


Congratulations on your first design. I admire yuor fortitude in finishing it. Just a word of advice,I have made bags with a top band like yours. I use Pellon50 for the interfacing and it stays straight and does not have the thickness problem you had.
In fact I use it alone for the entire bag.

lisa m

what a great looking bag! You did a wonderful job!

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